Dynamic rich media ads using Weather Targeting

Use dynamic rich media ads based on current local weather conditions to ensure that the right ads are shown in the right circumstances!

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Powering Up SEO: Why Online Publishers Must Prioritize Search Engine Optimization

The world of online publishing is a vast and ever-changing landscape, and one of the key drivers of success in this industry is search engine optimization (SEO). As an online publisher, you rely on traffic to your website to generate […]

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Unveiling Google Analytics 4 (GA4): To Stay or to Go?

If you are a publisher, you’ve probably noticed that Google started to roll out the next version of Google Analytics, and you might be asking yourself: what is Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? If you haven’t already done the setup in […]

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Http or https?

It is important to understand the basics and differences between HTTP and HTTPS. HTTPS is much more secure than HTTP.

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The Importance of Cookies in Advertising: Understanding Their Significance and Benefits

Cookies are small text files used to identify certain users of the Internet. Allow all sites to recognize the user as the same person who previously visited the site

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Page Speed Load

When it comes to a site’s performance, page load speed is paramount. In this article, we offer some suggested solutions to increase your speed.

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Google Health Score

A website needs to be in good technical condition because good technological condition equals a fast and user-friendly page. The Heatlh Score is important because it indicates whether your site has developed well or poorly.

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What is Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading sounds weird, but it’s a simple concept: you only load a script or image when you need it. Lazy loading can speed up the initial load time of a page by avoiding premature downloads of unnecessary resources.

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Google Core Web Vitals

In the coming weeks, we’ll cover important topics that will provide useful information and suggestions to follow for each website.

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