Story Telling Banner (300x600) - Click here for the tech specifications, or scroll down to try it out! Other sizes: 640x360, 970x250, 300x250

Come up with a few great sentences and submit them in the fields below

Upload three fitting pictures along with the logo of your company

…and you have just made an animated html5 banner!

Try it out


Story Telling Banner - 300x600

A highly customizable banner width three different pictures, text blocks a logo and a CTA button.
It is available in four different sizes!

If you'd like to try out your creatives in the banner's editor or see every size for the banner visit this page on a laptop or desktop PC!

Platform: desktop, tablet, mobile

Format: jpg, png

Sizes: 300x600, 640x360, 970x250, 300x250640x360, 970x250, 300x250 (Click on these links to see the specifications for the other sizes).

Creative parameters and other specs: We’ll need three 300x600px pics (jpg or png in the chosen size eg. 640x360, 970x250 etc.) for the slides and a picture for the logo (jpg or png - its height should be at least 90px). We’ll also need three sentences for the animated text blocks and one for the CTA button.

Optionally you can change the button’s or the line’s color, the visible size of the logo or the font family of the banner. Please send us the required information, if you’d like to adjust these parameters. (We only accept fonts, which are listed in the editor and we'll need the color information in HEX format.)

Always try your creatives in the editor, before sending them to us in an email! This video shows, how to configure the banner with the desktop editor:

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