Mobile Carousel - Anchor Ad - A touch-friendly auto-playing carousel width four slides. Click here for more infromation!

Product Carousel - Anchor Ad - A touch-friendly auto-playing carousel width four slides. Click here for more infromation!

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem deleniti accusantium quasi ab ad officia cupiditate sed aliquam nobis!

Posse moderatius id eos, cum ex tale congue voluptaria.

Eveniet deserunt consequatur porro molestiae nulla optio quis totam libero iste nemo odit eum facilis sapiente. Harum similique cupiditate voluptas ea optio sunt molestias eius ab qui obcaecati nesciunt id?

Virtute deserunt iudicabit te pro.

Tamquam recusabo sententiae ex quo, pri mundi volutpat vituperata at. Ornatus singulis iracundia sit ne. Eu erroribus maiestatis ius. Sit id omnes dolorum invidunt, quaeque quaerendum est at. Cum an nibh persequeris. Pro ea dolor expetenda dissentiunt, duis ornatus mea ex. Proin mattis interdum augue, a ullamcorper neque cursus at.

Pro ea dolor expetenda dissentiunt, duis ornatus mea ex.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam quis diam sed libero scelerisque elementum quis vitae nulla. Proin mattis interdum augue, a ullamcorper neque cursus at.

Posse moderatius id eos, cum ex tale congue voluptaria.

Eveniet deserunt consequatur porro molestiae nulla optio quis totam libero iste nemo odit eum facilis sapiente. Harum similique cupiditate voluptas ea optio sunt molestias eius ab qui obcaecati nesciunt id?

Mobile Carousel - Anchor Ad

A touch-friendly auto-playing carousel width four slides in an overlay element, which becomes visible after user interaction (e.g. scroll).

Platform: mobile

Format: jpg, png

Size: max. 380x414px (on smaller screens its 100% x 414px)

Creatives: 4 pics (500x500px jpg or png - max. 150 kb. each), max 4 urls,
the text of the titles and the subtitles (or product names and prices)
and optionally, you can send us an old price, and an HEX code for the dots and arrows of the carousel

Use 500x500px pics to change images with the buttons below!

Change first pic

Use 640x360 px pics!

Change second pic

Use 640x360 px pics!

Change third pic

Use 640x360 px pics!

Change fourth pic

At least 90 px height!

Mobile Carousel - Anchor Ad

An auto playing carousel width four slides in an overlay element, which becomes visible after user interaction (e.g. scroll). Each slide of this ad can have a different CT url.

Platform: mobile

Format: jpg, png

Size: max. 380x414px (on smaller screens its 100% x 414px)

Creatives: 4 pics (500x500px jpg or png - max. 150 kb. each), max 4 CTurls, the text of the titles and the subtitles (or product names and prices) and optionally, you can send us an old price, and an HEX code for the dots and arrows of the carousel

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