Crossroad Slides - An interactive ad with up to for slides or a video. Click here for more infromation!

Crossroad Slides - An interactive ad with up to for slides or a video. Click here for more infromation!

First card

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Crossroad Slides

An interactive ad with up to four slides or a video and two possible outcomes - based on the user’s preferences.

Platform: mobile

Format: jpg, png, mp4, webm

Size: 320x480px

Creatives: 1-4 640x960px pics OR one mp4 plus a webm file for the slides and two 640x960px pics for the final cards. One or two landing URLs - also for the final cards. The size of all assets can’t be larger than 3.6 MB, and images have to stay under 300kb.

You will need to send us the text in the cards and the buttons. If you’d like to see what fits in the format, click the blue button below:

Slides version
Video version

Use a 640x960px pic to change image with the button below! You can also change the text elements in the creative with the inputs under the button.

Change background image

Use 640x360 px pics!

Product Carousel

A touch-friendly auto playing carousel width four slides. Each slide can have a different CT url.

Platform: mobile

Format: jpg, png

Méret: 300x250px, 300x300px, 320x320px, 320x480px

Creatives: 4 pics (500x500px jpg or png - max. 150 kb. each),
the text of the title and the subtitle (or product name and price)
and optionally, you can send us an old price, and an HEX code for the dots and arrows of the carousel

3x Marketing Diamond Award Winner