all in one platform for publishers

All-In One Ad Monetization Platform

Join publishers worldwide boosting their impression yield by partnering with Ads Interactive!

Link with over 20 premium advertising exchanges, employ our advanced ad serving technology, and receive expert guidance and support in ad operations!

COMPATIBLE - Smooth integration with any ad system.
BRAND-SAFE - Protected inventory guaranteed.
RELEVANT - Audience-specific ads.

Join us today

Navigate digital advertising landscape confidently

Dynamic Floor Prices

Dynamic Floor Prices

AI-adjusted prices maximizing your ad revenue based on performance.

Best performing Ad Format

Best performing Ad Formats

Unique and efficient ad formats that are fully compliant with the Better Ads Standards.

Smart Refresh

Accurate prediction of ad viewability.

header bidding wrapper

Industry-standard header bidding wrapper.

Increased ad revenue by creating bid pressure (for the ad inventory).

Direct Deals

Direct Deals

Private programmatic direct deals from top advertisers and brands.

User Consent Management

User Consent Management

Clear, transparent and quality advertising.

Auto In-Content Ads

Auto In-Content Ads

Fit to your content based on value and size.

Content Video Ads

Content Video Ads

Fit to your content based on the context.

Content Recommendations

Content Recommendations

Keep users longer on your website with our recommendation widget.

Ads Interactive is a platform with high-quality advertisers that
will help you generate more revenue. Get a free revenue estimation now!

Full-service monetization support for publishers

Customer Success Manager

Client Success Manager

Whether it's optimizing ad placement, swiftly resolving issues, or continually refining your monetization strategy, your dedicated Customer Success Manager ensures that your website or app is finely tuned for maximizing revenue.

Your success is our mission, and we're committed to helping you thrive in the digital monetization arena.

Certified Ad Operations Specialist

Our Google Certified Ad Operations specialist will join your dedicated Customer Success Manager to continuously optimize for long-term success.

Our team is available seven days a week, ensuring your monetization strategy receives constant attention. With our certified ad operations support, you can be confident that your revenue potential is fully maximized.

Certified Ad Operations Supper
IT Support

IT Support

Our IT team ensures that your technical setup works smoothly with your chosen ad system.

With us, technical issues become chances for progress.

Join us today

Brand safety is one of our main concerns, we are committed to providing a safe and protected inventory for our advertisers.

IAB Transparency and Consent Framework Registeres Vendor

Used by the world's most trusted publishers!

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3x Marketing Diamond Award Winner

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